Join me in a journey of ReConnection & SelfDiscovery through Tribal Fusion Dance
From ancient times, Dance was part of our life as prayer, ritual, reaching other states of Consciousness; our ancestors used to dance in order to heal or to facilitate communion with Nature and contact with Divine. It was said that the soul of a being is woven into the moves of his dance.
Anna Halprin eloquently states: “to ‘cure’ is to physically eliminate a disease….To ‘heal’ is to operate on many dimensions simultaneously, by aiming at attaining a state of emotional, mental, spiritual, and physical health….Dance engages our whole being. It is, in my opinion, the most powerful of the arts because it is holistic in its very nature. Our body is our instrument. It is immediate and accessible, holding our wisdom and truth.”
Tribal Fusion Dance merge elements from Indian dance, Middle Eastern bellydance, Spanish flamenco, North-African dances, trance and contemporary dances. Though might be improvised, freely-expressed, is an intentional work with structured language.
Its essence is connection and celebration with life.
Why Tribal Fusion Dance as a tool of development and mastering oneself?
In the practice of TFD are embedded ancestral body practices and wisdom, which transform and integrate different sensory, motor, emotional and cognitive brain areas.
Therefor, might be possible to:

enhance freedom in self-expression & empower oneself

ignite creativity and action (we engage a lot belly-center of creation and solar plexus)

increase body awareness and embody Consciousness

create harmonious relations with: oneself, others, Nature and Divine

develop a holistic and integrative view, in a playful and accessible way

and much more
When is recommended TFD for you? most probably, if you feel to:

bring joy, health and vitality in your body and life

develop neuro-motricity & create new neural paths

overcome emotional struggles such as depression or anxiety & others

belong & be together in an empowering circle of women

enhance empathy and synchronicity interacting in profound body-mind layers

discover and have better understanding of other cultures
How we create together the experience TFD?

we co-create and contribute to experience all together, differently

1 month we study 1 tribal influence (ex. Indian influences such as Sacred temple Odissi or Kalbelya Rajahstan’s gipsies / Egiptian Saidi dance/ Nord African /Silk road sacred dances / Sufi’s mystical whirling)

1 session – focus on 1 specific topic/part of the body

group composition – embroidery of old and new elements, tribal & urban blend
How is a session structured?
– opening circle
– body & mind calibration through Yoga
– learning new dance elements & the philosophy behind
– free exploration of moves & sharing them “I dance as I am”
– closing circle sharing of experiences and findings
Who is your guide in TFD?
My name is Aygul & my intention is to bring together different practices that address the body-mind-spirit connection, building a bridge between movement and emotions, self and Oneness.
I work as psychotherapist, balancing it with my artistic interest in performing arts, ritual dances and body-mind practices, as a yoga instructor and meditator. I create my own approach by integrating traditional and contemporary practices.
Some of my teachers, whom work I honor:
Time: each Tuesday, 19.30
Location: Bucharest, Piata Romana area; due to space limitation, please, book in advance your seat.
Contribution for knowledge, energy & space sharing: 111 Ron for drop-in gathering & 333 Ron for a month participation.
Write me & come to Dance in Togetherness!
“Nothing happens until something moves..” Einstein