Welcome to UpLoading Happiness!

UpLoading Happiness is a curated space for a better lived and felt life, achieved through the sharing of information and experiences that contribute to our empowerment and growth. 

 I, Aygül, share from my own experiences and those of others, serving as both mind and heart openers.

We wholeheartedly welcome your contributions on this space!

The Vision of "UpLoading Happiness"

 UpLoad (from Download to UpLoad)

"Innately, we are born happy and we gradually learn unhappiness by postponing joy and the present moment until we grow up, we achieve something as finishing studies, getting promoted or getting married, etc. We start a race that has an ever-changing goal, a race without a finish...", an elder once told me and his words became an invitation for me to become more aware of myself and my life.

How do we learn to see ourselves and perceive life from a young age? What are the patterns and beliefs that govern us? Without healthy guidance, we can "download" from parents, teachers, friends or influencers ways of functioning that  do not align with our inner selves and a healthy development.

"UpLoad" is an invitation to connect with your Self and to allow yourself to express who you are, what is relevant, true, and meaningful to you.

-ing: a journey, not a destination

Just as walking is a collection of moments between imbalance and balance while maintaining a sense of fluidity and safety, life is a film, a collection of frames with different shades and emotions.

This can be a conscious effort, a coherent film in which the state of Well-being is practiced and developed until it becomes second nature.

 Life is a process.



From an evolutionary perspective, we are not programmed to be constantly happy or even satisfied. We are primordially configured to survive and reproduce.

The state of contentment is discouraged by nature, as it can diminish the intensity of the response to survival threats.

In this sense, Buddhist philosophy formulates the first noble truth as being "life is suffering."  We are therefore more predisposed to fight, seek gratification and security, remove threats, and avoid pain.

So, what is happiness then?

Over time, philosophers have strived to encapsulate it in definitions and theories.

In the absence of an exhaustive definition that is also easy to formulate, we may find that happiness is an abstract idea, a human construct, subjectively and uniquely experienced by each person. ’There are as many styles of beauty as there are visions of happiness’,  Stendhal said.

Regardless of what happiness represents for each of us, it is worthy of pursuit.

How do we train (the neocortex) to live a good life and to be happy?

Amongst the dance of neurotransmitters in our brain, genetic imprint, learned habits, and contextual factors, it can be a challenge to find our Good and Happiness. A challenge that, when addressed, can restructure, develop, and potentiate the human being to its deepest layers.

UpLoading Happiness is an endeavor that aims to respond in part to this challenge. It is a space for bringing together information, practices, experiences, and interventions that have proven to be useful to living a more meaningful, complete, healthy, and beautiful life.

We support connecting with personal reality, empowering self-expression, and valuing resources and personal potential. We believe that a happy life is a consciously lived life.

Let's learn and train together to be happy, starting today!

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